
智能嵌入式系统设计大赛是依托IEEE国际元计算大会(IEEE ICMC)举办的一场挑战竞赛。 本次比赛致力于推动国产化人工智能平台的发展,培养学生嵌入式人工智能的系统设计能力。 本届比赛要求参赛队伍针对真实世界的医疗难题,在国产龙芯开发板上实现基于人工智能算法的解决方案(注册并完成资质验证的队伍,开发板将由龙芯邮寄提供)。 该比赛向全球各地的团队开放,成绩优异的团队将被邀请参加ICMC大会以展示他们的解决方案并颁发奖项。

Intelligent Embedded System Design Contest at ICMC is a challenging research and development competition, focusing on real-world problems that requires the implementation of machine learning algorithms on Loongson development board. It is open to multi-person teams world-wide. The top teams will be invited to the 1st IEEE International Conference on Meta Computing (IEEE ICMC) to present their solutions, and to receive their awards.

大赛日程 (Tentative Schedule)

发布日期 (Contest release date)
April 26, 2024
报名截止 (Registration deadline)
May 10, 2024 May 24, 2024
最终提交截止日期 (Final submission due)
June 10, 2024
通知成绩优异队伍现场展示 (Top teams notified for presentation)
June 15, 2024
现场展示与获奖名单公布 (Winner announced)
June 20, 2024

奖项设置 (Awards)

一等奖 (1st Place Award)
15,000 RMB / team (团队奖励)
二等奖 (2nd Place Award)
6,000 RMB / team (团队奖励)
三等奖 (3rd Place Award)
1,000 RMB / team (团队奖励)

报名规则 (Registration Rules)


Registration follows the first-come-first-served principle, with a maximum of 2 teams per school. Each team should have 1 instructor to guide no more than 4 students.

获奖规则(Award Rules):


Invited participants will conduct on-site presentation lasting for 20 minutes, which includes a PPT presentation, demonstration, testing (totaling 15 minutes), and expert questioning (5 minutes). Evaluation experts will score each work separately and hold collective discussions. The final ranking is determined by the scores of the project and the presentation, i.e., teams aiming to win a prize must participate in the on-site presentation to get the presentation score which occupied 20% of totals.

Contest Organizers

  • Zhenge Jia (Shandong University, CN)
  • Zhaoyan Shen (Shandong University, CN)
  • Mengying Zhao (Shandong University, CN)



会议时间:2024/06/03 19:00-22:00 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京



  • 山东大学计算机科学与技术学院 School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University
  • 山东大学 Shandong University
  • 龙芯中科 Loongson Technology
  • 浪潮云 Inspur Cloud Information Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 电气与电子工程师协会 IEEE